Is Mayo Keto? (Good Brands and the Nutrition Breakdown)
Mayonnaise just might be the single most popular condiment to use on the keto diet. It just goes phenomenally well with a wide variety of keto dishes, but is mayo keto? Since we use it on everything from salads to casseroles to low carb sandwiches can be enhanced with a bit of mayo, it’s worth taking a closer look.
What Makes Mayo a Popular Choice for Low Carb Diets?
Here are just a few of the reasons why mayo is such an incredibly popular condiment choice for people following low carb diets.
- Mayo is an incredibly low carb condiment option (a single TBSP serving of mayo has approximately 0.1 grams of net carbs).
- That same serving size provides an abundance of all three types of essential dietary fat. It offers 1.6 grams of saturated fat, 6 grams of polyunsaturated fat, and 2.3 grams of monounsaturated fat – with 0 grams of trans fat.
- Mayo also has modest amounts of dietary cholesterol, which is particularly beneficial for men following the keto diet for hormone production.
- Mayo contains trace amounts of essential minerals like sodium and potassium helps with replenishing lost electrolytes due to water weight loss commonly associated with the keto diet.
- Mayo is a versatile condiment choice that goes amazingly well with many different low carb food options.
Is Mayo Keto?
Mayo is absolutely a 100% keto-friendly food and it should be a staple condiment for anyone following the keto diet. It’s just too versatile of an ingredient to not have a place in your kitchen.
It’s the winning combination of rich and creamy flavor, incredibly low amount of carbs, and mix of all three essential dietary fats that make mayo stand out compared to other typical keto condiments and spreads.
Regular mayo is already a great keto-friendly condiment, but it can actually be made even more keto by making a few tweaks.
It’s completely possible to make mayo out of other keto staples (like coconut oil or avocado oil), which can provide the same rich and creamy texture, only with more unique flavors as well.
It’s even possible to make your own keto mayo entirely from scratch. We have quite a few recipes on the site that teach you the step by step process.
Mayo Nutrition Facts
If we once again go with the example of using a 1 TBSP serving size, the nutritional breakdown of mayo is as follows:
- 94 calories
- 10 grams fat
- 0.1 grams net carbs
- 0.1 grams protein
- 5.8 mg dietary cholesterol
- 87.6 mg sodium
- 2.8 mg potassium
Good Keto Mayo Recipes
What Are the Best Keto-Friendly Mayo Brands?
Certain brands of mayo are decidedly more keto-friendly than others. With that in mind, here are our top 3 picks for the best keto-friendly mayo brands:
- Sir Kensington’s Organic Mayonnaise – Made from an irresistible blend of organic free range eggs, smooth natural oils, and aromatic seasonings, this is hands down one of the best mayo products out there.
- Duke’s Real Mayonnaise – Another classic blend (Duke’s has been using the same original recipe since 1917), this rich and creamy mayo is perfect for the keto diet.
- Primal Kitchen Mayo with Avocado Oil – A mayo blend made with avocado oil to provide a distinctive flavor and even more beneficial fats, this is another perfect mayo option for keto dieters.
Keto Mayo Alternatives
If you’re trying to find a few keto-friendly alternatives to using mayo, then try one of the following options:
- Plain Greek yogurt
- Mashed avocado
- Pesto
- Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, etc.)
- Eggs
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